From the 2018 Figurative Art Convention & Expo

How to be a successful artist >>> After producing several art magazines, newsletters, and art conferences and judging competitions for almost 15 years, Eric Rhoads is seeing a pattern.

Why Some Artists Are More Successful: Three Things That Matter Most

What if I were to tell you there are three things that will make a massive difference in your success as an artist?

After producing several art magazines, newsletters, and art conferences and judging competitions for almost 15 years, I’m seeing a pattern.

Want to know why some artists are more successful than others?

Here we go…

Study Under the Best of the Best
Great Marketing Instincts and Skills
A Strong Involvement in Community

Pretty simple, right?

How to Be a Successful Artist

Study Under the Best of the Best

We’ve learned that quality isn’t discovered, it’s passed down. The learning curve is long, and self-education is slow. The best of the best try to meet and study under the best in the world. It’s through this study that generational techniques are passed along. Though we can get this from reading and from watching videos, live interaction in a learning environment will serve you the most. And we’ve also discovered that those who study under the best go for variety so they have lots of ideas to explore.

Great Marketing Instincts and Skills

The signs of success arise from great marketing skills. Some naturally possess these skills, but most have to learn them. The key is finding a marketing approach that fits your brand, your image, and your style. Being a screaming car dealer isn’t a fit for most quality artists. Finding mentors who do great marketing and who can teach you these important techniques will help keep you from going undiscovered. There are numerous stories of brilliant artists who spend their lives unknown. Marketing skills can and will change this.

A Strong Involvement in Community

We all need a tribe. We need to know others, meet with them on a somewhat regular basis, and collaborate. This is where ideas and learning occur. Often artists are loners who spend countless hours working in their studios. Though that is important, it’s helpful to know and be around others for the sense of community that builds confidence and new forms of awareness.

One Place to Find All Three

The upcoming Figurative Art Convention & Expo (FACE) in Baltimore, Maryland, October 29 – November 1, 2020 incorporates these.

• The best of the best on multiple stages to teach you and broaden your perspective
• An amazing pre-convention workshop with Juliette Aristides
• Marketing instruction from top art marketing professionals. A rarity at an art convention, but a critical component
• A chance to collaborate and get to know others in your tribe

Join us this Fall to build your skills, enhance your marketing, and be a part of your community.

See our faculty members here: