Opportunities for Artists > The Arts & Artists Foundation (Barcelona, Spain) is accepting entries to the 11th Figurativas Painting and Sculpture Competition, endowed with a First Painting Prize of up to €36,000, a Sculpture Acquisition Fund of €40,000, and a fund to be determined for the acquisition of works. The main goal is to gather the most recent production of figurative art in the contemporary art scene at an international level, to encourage artistic initiatives, and sponsor artists to validate the emergence of a rich generation of living artists.
More from the organizers:
The jury will meet in Barcelona at the end of June 2021 to determine among the submitted works: a first prize, the mentions of honor, and finalist’s works. These works will become part of the largest exhibition of figurative painting and sculpture held in Barcelona every two years selected by a jury of the highest level; previous editions included artist jurors such as Antonio López García, Odd Nerdrum, Lita Cabellut, Emma Hopkins, Soledad Fernández, Luisa Granero, Jeremy Mann, Richard Estes, Gottfried Helnwein, Nicola Samorì, Daniel Graves, Jacob Collins, Alex Kanevsky, Konstantinos Kyrtis, Julio Lopez, Franciso López, and Eduardo Naranjo.
This year the jury is integrated by Emma Hopkins, Antonio López, Jeremy Mann, Konstantinos Kyrtis, Tomas Paredes, Jose Enrique González, and Jose Manuel Infiesta.
The award ceremony will be held in Barcelona next October 8, 2021 at the MEAM along with the opening of the 15th ARC Salon of Art Renewal Center.
Participating works may be acquired to be included in the museum’s permanent collection ensuring its conservation and publicity. Those works will be printed in the official catalog and will be promoted digitally on different platforms.
For more details, including rules and registration, please visit www.fundaciondelasartes.org.
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