contemporary realism - "All the Young Dudes" by Sherri Wolfgang
"All the Young Dudes" by Sherri Wolfgang

Contemporary Realism On View > Moments of joy, of togetherness, are counterbalanced by the age-old question, “Now what?”

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the social and emotional issues engendered by this juxtaposition become even more urgent.

This is particularly evidenced in “All The Young Dudes” (shown above), by Sherri Wolfgang. The painting depicts five men, all but one of whose gazes avoid the viewer; on the table in front of them, the dark screens of their smartphones contrast against that day’s grim headlines. They do not quite know what the next step is, inviting uncertainty, melancholy, and desolation to descend as they try to figure it out. The series portraitizes millennials at that moment in time.”

"Same as They Ever Were" by Sherri Wolfgang
“Same as They Ever Were” by Sherri Wolfgang

“American Pathos” is Sherri’s latest solo exhibition at Dacia Gallery in New York City, through November 28, 2021. It has taken Sherri six years to complete the dozen figurative oil paintings, having drawn deftly upon Renaissance formats and old Master techniques.

Contemporary realism - "The Sunday Girls" by Sherri Wolfgang
“The Sunday Girls” by Sherri Wolfgang

Sherri has exhibited at Dacia Gallery, The Housatonic Museum of Art, William Ris Gallery, Silvermine Arts Gallery, and City Lights Gallery, among other exhibitions nationally. Her studio is in Westport, Connecticut.

The “American Pathos” exhibition attempts to capture the dark cloud of millennial doubt that constantly rears its head, even during periods of stability and satisfaction. More details >

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