How to fix a failed painting - pastel

The following is part of a series featuring a leader in the art community who will be joining us on the faculty of Pastel Live, a virtual art conference taking place August 17-19, 2023.

In this Art School Live interview and demonstration, Eric Rhoads welcomes Jill Stefani Wagner. She walks us through her process of taking a pastel painting that didn’t work out originally but still has potential and turning it into a work to be proud of.

Watch as she shows us:

  • A great tip for keeping the intention of your painting front and center in your mind
  • How to draw the viewer into your painting with your focal point
  • And much more

Discover techniques from master pastelist Jill Stefani Wagner, who is revealing her brilliant pastel techniques to help you advance your skills in the art video workshop “5 Step Pastel Painting” [learn more].


  1. Hi! I’m concerned about the umbrella, appearing to be much closer than the people. Is it an illusion? The stand arm of the umbrella might look closer to the people if it showed infront of the umbrella instead of behind. The stand is much lower on the picture plane which give it the appearance of being leaning closer.

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