Plein Air Salon winner - portrait of a Jaguar
"Panthera Onca" (mixed media, 31 x 24.5 in.) by Filbert Arzelos, won the "Best Animals" category of the March 2021 Plein Air Salon

Congratulations to Filbert Arzelos (, whose work has been recognized in the PleinAir® Salon, a monthly art competition with many categories in which to enter your art.

Filbert Arzelos on Painting “Panthera Onca”

“Panthera Onca,” which is the Latin name for Jaguar, is one of the few animal portraits I have done. When I read that a category of the Plein Air Salon was Animals and Birds, I decided to make a painting of a majestic and powerful animal; I have my own cat and I like the integrity cats exude so the choice of animals was easy.

This painting is acrylic and colored pencil on paper. There are even some strokes of oil paint in it. Normally I work on canvas but this time I decided to do it on paper. It is a nice surface to work on. The base is airbrushed acrylic and the details are painted with colored pencils. (“Panthera Onca” is currently available for sale.)

Currently I am looking for an art gallery in the US that shows highly realistic landscapes and nature paintings. If you are a gallery owner and find my works interesting, you are welcome to contact me via my website:

The Plein Air Salon is one of the bigger art competitions out there and a great place to be seen. If you are thinking of entering, you should definitely do so. There is a good chance that important people in the art industry will see your work. Enter as many paintings in as many different categories as possible. It will increase your chances. ~F.A.

Additional Realism Paintings by Filbert Arzelos

Contemporary realism paintings
Filbert Arzelos, “XI,” Acrylic on canvas. 35,4″ x 53,1″ – 90 x 135 cm
Contemporary realism landscape
Filbert Arzelos, “The Frozen Island,” Acrylic and oil on canvas 27″x 53″ – 68 x 134 cm
Contemporary realism landscape
Filbert Arzelos, “Sunny Grass,” Acrylic on canvas. 35,4″ x 53,1″ – 90 x 135 cm
Contemporary realism landscape
Filbert Arzelos, “Sunny Cliffs” Acrylic, oil, and colored pencil on canvas. 22,8″ x 40,1″ – 58 x 102 cm
Contemporary realism landscape
Filbert Arzelos, “Line 50,” Acrylic and oil on canvas 27″x53″ – 68 x 134 cm
Contemporary realism landscape
Filbert Arzelos, “In Between 2 (Snoopy Rock, Sedona),” Acrylic on canvas. 23,6″x35,4″ – 60 x 90 cm
Contemporary realism landscape
Filbert Arzelos, “Castle Rock (Monument Valley),” Acrylic and oil on canvas 12” x 21,5” – 31 x 55 cm

About the PleinAir Salon:

In the spirit of the French Salon created by the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, this annual online art competition, with 11 monthly cycles, leading to the annual Salon Grand Prize winners, is designed to stimulate artistic growth through competition. The competition rewards artists with $50,000 in cash prizes and exposure of their work, with the winning painting featured on the cover of PleinAir® Magazine.

Winners in each monthly competition may receive recognition and exposure through PleinAir Magazine’s print magazine, e-newsletters, websites, and social media. Winners of each competition will also be entered into the annual competition. The Annual Awards will be presented live at the next Plein Air Convention & Expo.

The next round of the PleinAir Salon has begun so hurry, as this competition ends on the last day of the month. Enter your best art in the PleinAir Salon here.

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