The still life painting by Jason Patrick Jenkins “Little Bird, Little Bird” is on display in the Studio Incamminati faculty summer exhibition, “Visionaries,” in Philadelphia, and will be hanging into September. It has also been entered into the Still Life category of the 16th Annual International ARC Salon.
On the Still Life Painting “Little Bird, Little Bird”
by Jason Patrick Jenkins
This piece was commissioned by some long-time friends and clients and designed specifically for their new home in Florida. Beginning the process with Florida itself as the bare-boned theme, it took a little time to settle on the concept and design. In the end, an understated symbolic representation of identity seemed compelling.
In the following months a collection of official state icons, supplemented by symbolic references to its folk and pop culture, and backed up by various other theme appropriate selections, developed.
My adult son, who is an author, included the painting in a short story, as follows:
“…a fresh fish that the deceased had no doubt bought from the market earlier in the day, planning to eat that night, stared at the two intruders from its vegetal altar like a comestible god.”
-Ike Riva, His Last Retreat ©2022
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