Home Articles Still Life Painting

Still Life Painting

Discover representational still life paintings (including advice for painting) through interviews and features on contemporary artists.

Pamela Hamilton, who is on the faculty of the next Pastel Live online art conference, shares the "why" behind seven of her pastel paintings.
As artists, we usually plan and work toward our initial vision. However, I enjoy the challenge of not knowing the final painting.
When Sarah Lamb's realistic paintings of flowers caught our eye, we reached out to learn more about her process, which she shares in this step-by-step of "Camellia."
Harmonic Armature is a composition principle used by artists such as Christine Mercer-Vernon, who shares her process ...
The following is part of a series featuring a leader in the art community who will be joining us on the faculty of Watercolor Live, a virtual art conference taking place January 24-26, 2024.
Artist Carlo Russo explains his recent Vanitas still life painting, which is on view in his solo exhibition at ...
Find inspiration for painting with oil in the following excerpt from Robert Johnson's classic book, "On Becoming a Painter."
The complexity of flowers can make them a potentially challenging and even intimidating subject to paint. Make it easier on yourself with these tips from Pat Fiorello.
Avoid these bad painting habits and learn how to keep your colors clean and fresh.
An alla prima still life painting is one that was painted in one session. In this free article, watch Cornelia Hernes create a beautiful still life in seven steps.

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