An alla prima still life painting is one that was painted in one session. In this free article, watch Cornelia Hernes create a beautiful still life in seven steps.
Because tea is never just about tea, Fiona Carvell put out a call for tea pots to be used for a special still life painting. The results were ...
Go behind the scenes of a contemporary realism still life painting by Jeremiah Patterson.
This step-by-step oil painting demonstration begins with a block-in of darks and lights to establish the value range, then ...
A conversation on process, planning, design principles, and where artists should focus their studies.
"It is a bit of magic that with nothing but a squeeze of paint and some good brushes, you can tell a story."
Far from "effortless," Ann Pember walks us through her thought process and the decisions she makes before she even picks up the brush.
"I wanted to demonstrate the contrasting textures in this Valentine-themed painting," said ...
Every once in a while, you luck out with ...
"...You must realize that you will never know how good an artist you can be until ..."