“Art is an emotion,” says Reian Williams. “Whether it is from the artist or the viewer, it is meant to give a message.”
Contemporary artist Jennifer Balkan on the color blue, expressionism, and distorting reality to evoke emotion. She says, "I do not think I could survive without a true blue..."
With a painting that honors a “return to classical romanticism,” impressionist painter Quang Ho shares his thoughts on glazing.
“Varnish is the great barrier,” says Pamela Wilson, “protecting your painting from a lifetime of dust, grime, weather, heat, cold, age, sunlight, ex-boyfriends, and spilled milk. It brings to life every stroke, every glazed layer of subtle color and drama, deep in that shadow that you forgot about. We all bow to varnish.”
“The paintings I strive to create are about more than the atrocities they witnessed and were subjected to. These paintings aim to celebrate the fashion designer, the wife, mother, father, grandfather, tailor . . . stories of overcoming their past despite the odds against them.”
Doug Webb considers himself a “classical romantic surrealist, juxtaposing Magritte-like oversized objects and shifts of scale within scenes.” Learn more about his photorealistic art in this spotlight.
Jacob Collins desires nothing less than to revive a classical art culture in our time. See why he’s “going back to find the larger organizational principles of art.”
Today’s spotlight is on the figurative art of Danny Grant. Enjoy this Q&A we had about his work, his young model, and more.
Realism Today celebrates the thousands of American artists who have been trained in traditional methods; and it is particularly significant because it offers yet another outlet of information and ideas for this booming field.
“There are thousands of options every time you pick up a brush,” says Nancy Depew. “What will guide the decisions you make and what priorities will be revealed by those decisions? Those are the questions that fascinate me. My paintings are done only after I’ve resolved every question.”