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When it comes to painting shadows, Carolyn Anderson explains that color is relative. Keep reading to learn more about the concept of warmer and cooler light before you start on your next painting.
From doorways found in distant travels to classic myths, discover what inspires the contemporary realism of Daniel Graves, and be moved.
New art prompt! Paint or draw a Spring Bloom during your #stayathome experience.
We discovered the work of contemporary artist Vicki Sullivan when she became a Realism Today Ambassador of the Week. Here, she shares a step-by-step demonstration of a figurative painting.
Congratulations to Sarah Xu, whose figurative art has been recognized in the bi-monthly PleinAir Salon.
"For any other painter out there who wants to try gilding, but is as confused as I was," says Elizabeth Zanzinger, "I hope you’ll find my notes about the process helpful."
New art prompt! Paint or draw a Spring Bloom during your #stayathome experience.
Kristy Gordon shares actions to take, clues to look for, her "miracles list," and an artist questionnaire - all to help you find your artistic voice.
Watch a documentary on realist painter Daniel Sprick. Bonus: Listen to Daniel’s interview with Eric Rhoads about art techniques and more.
Contemporary realist Lyubena Fox shares her inspiration for the symbols found in her representational still life painting, "The Nest."

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