Realism self-portrait drawings
Marichy Théo, "My Self-portrait 2021, My Vision Of The World," Charcoal and graphite on cotton paper, 46 x 60 cm This self-portrait tells my story and my vision of the world. It's a world with a worried look at the future; we don't know what our fate will be. The representation of the nature (bird, leaves, flowers) is what can save us, regain contact with nature.

Meet this week’s top Realism Today Ambassador, Marichy Théo:

I’m a self-taught French painter and draught artist. Born in 2001 in Burgundy, I have been attracted to creation since my childhood. I got my college certificate with honors and I graduated from a Scientific baccalaureate. I was a high-level cyclist until I was 18 years old; I decided to devote myself fully to my artistic activity since January 2021, a complicated but inspiring period.

I started drawing portraits from photos on the internet, and this led me to where I am today. I got a taste for it and I’m trying to get closer and closer, more real, by giving art my personal touch. I like that my works transport a story, a experience. My art is gradually taking shape, and is inspired by Renaissance painters, both on the themes and on the techniques. Creating, painting, and drawing are for me like a personal mission, to find an art from which our heirs will be able to contemplate what we were able to achieve in the 21st century.

Being self-taught, I attach great importance to understanding my gestures when I paint or draw. My artwork, “My Self-Portrait 2021, My Vision Of The World,” (above) was a milestone in my quality and technique.

Painting is a way for me to express myself. I’m someone who internalizes a lot and who is perfectionist. I feel like I’m seeing the world and living differently through others. I dissect and analyze everything that I do. It is reflected and felt through my works.

Being a young artist, I don’t have themes, messages, or theories defined at the moment. It would be a little pretentious of me because I have a lot to discover. However, I shape and cultivate my artistic freedom. And it is precisely this freedom that will bring me closer to very specific themes that I am beginning to see.

Nature is also my source of creation and it pushes me every day to go even further. I believe in Greek Roman and Egyptian mythologies; it’s a subject that I approach with great seriousness and that I would like to include in my next artworks.

My current paintings and drawings fall within a realistic style where humans, mythological creatures, and animals are the central subject. Precisely, for 2022, I would like to make my first collection of oil paintings on the subject of Bacchus, the god of wine.

My artistic identity is almost defined but must be done naturally. The adventure is just beginning!

realistic paintings of horses
Marichy Théo, “Le Cheval Et Ses Roses,” Acrylic on linen canvas, 81 x 65 cm.
This artwork is one of my first acrylic paintings. The horse is an animal overrepresented in art history, in the fields or battles, but very rarely for the elegance of the animal.
realistic drawings of gorillas
Marichy Théo, “Gorille Occidental,” Graphite on paper, 50 x 65 cm.
This artwork is one of my first animal drawings. The gorilla has a powerful and very expressive look. The western gorilla is an endangered species and so we can ask ourselves: What message does it want to convey to us?

Learn more about the artist at

Related > Browse portrait and figure workshop videos in the style of contemporary realism here.

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