Meet this week’s top Realism Today Ambassador, Traci Wright Martin, who creates contemporary mixed media portraits.
Traci Wright Martin has recently joined the Greenville, South Carolina, art community. Her lifelong passion for art began in drawing classes as a child in Oregon, deepened with her education in studio art and photography in college, and flourished throughout her career journey as an arts administrator, curator, and gallery owner in Oklahoma.

She has spent recent years as an independent artist honing her skills in charcoal portraiture and figurative studies. The evolution of her primary style into mixed media maintains these strong roots, always with an eye to the human condition. Her body of work follows a philosophical thread that weaves in and out of the commonality of our shared life experiences. From the exploration of emotional visual language to the humor found in subverting traditional expectations to the subtle confrontation of cultural bias, it is an invitation to the viewer to converse and connect with one another.

Martin’s masterful technique and her unique vision for the charcoal and mixed media portrait have earned top awards and accolades in a number of regional juried shows. Her artwork is featured in private and public collections both internationally and throughout the United States.
Follow Traci Wright Martin on Instagram here.
Related > Browse portrait and figure workshops in the style of realism here.