The 15th International ARC Salon Exhibition has now closed at Sotheby’s NY, but if you missed seeing the show, you can still enjoy it at the Museum of European Modern Art (MEAM) in Barcelona, Spain this fall.
The exhibition will run through December 12, 2021, where it will hang alongside the MEAM’s representational painting and sculpture competition, Figurativas. View the exhibition of realism works online at
Entries to the next ARC Salon Competition will be accepted March 1 – June 16, 2022.
Featured above: Amanda Jones, “Strung,” 2019, oil on panel, 14 x 16 in.
“And to yell ‘Mama,’ when she cannot hear,
And to yell ‘God,’ when I don’t believe in ‘Him’ -Yehuda Amichai”
“Some experiences in life change the very fiber of a person’s being. They pull you apart and rearrange you into something new, discarding all that is non-essential. Battling stage three uterine cancer was this experience for me. As much as I wanted to resist the total disintegration of self, fighting this cancer unraveled me. But in the rebuilding I gained clarity, humility, and deeper compassion.
“This painting is part of a series exploring the complex emotions involved in such experiences.” – Amanda Jones
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