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Historical painter Todd Price shares what he’s learned about painting realistic scenes in oil to help you get to "that spiritual place where you start to fall inside the work."
"From this epiphanic life-or-death pill, I made the best decision of my life. It was like going through life from black and white to color.”
Free Artist Event: Watch the upcoming "Women in Art Roundtable," happening October 19, 2023, online at ...
Meet this week’s top Realism Today Ambassador, Paco Savino: My name is Paco Savino, I am an Italian self-taught artist born in 1998 and a resident in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan). I started in 2017 as a tattoo artist. My...
When you’ve been painting as long as John Pototschnik, you come across common mistakes that less experienced painters are prone to make. Here, John shares what those mistakes are, and how to fix them so you can improve your art, starting now.
The complexity of flowers can make them a potentially challenging and even intimidating subject to paint. Make it easier on yourself with these tips from Pat Fiorello.
Never simply representations, images of black people have come through a politically charged and aesthetically complex history ...
This competition is not just an event in itself, but the beginning of an exciting ongoing artistic journey.
What makes the self-portraits of professional artists much better than a phone selfie? The answer is that ...
The paintings and drawings of Cesar Santos appear simultaneously familiar, evoking the aesthetics of the Old Masters, and unrecognizable, comprised of intangible forms that appear to shift and coalesce throughout each composition.

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