Figurative Art

Discover figurative art guidance and inspiration from master artists who share their experience and advice on drawing and painting portraits, self-portraits, and the figure.

Narrative artist Lesley Thiel takes us through the symbolism and painting process of “Swallows and Amazon.”
Use strong diagonals and curves to create a unique painting composition. Olga Krimon explains.
Mother and artist Mardie Rees answers the question: “How could I possibly navigate this area of life and be the artist I truly felt called to be?”

Not Above My Couch

Read fascinating essays on Dutch painter Francien Krieg's contemporary female figure paintings.
Save the date so you can learn from the one and only Mary Whyte, and get expert advice on how to get the most out of an art event.
Using bold color with a limited palette is a simple tool to add to your composition arsenal. Here’s how.
Artist William Nathans takes us behind the scenes of his process for painting portraits from life.
The mortal men and women in Sabin Howard’s World War I memorial are convincingly alive. Learn more about the 65-foot-long bronze relief here.
Why acrylic is the medium of choice for this artist, despite the tradition of oil.
With dogged determination and a clear path, we can bring the pursuit of mastery into reality in the tradition of the Old Masters.

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